Diary Entry - 05/18/1981

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with the Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System to discuss monetary policy and the economic recovery program.
The President and the First Lady attend a performance of the Joffrey II Ballet group at the Lisner Auditorium featuring their son Ron.
We may have a chance in Lebanon of heading off a war. The Saudi’s sent an emissary to Syria. Our problem now is 2 pol. leaders Assad & Begin & finding a way that saves both their faces & doesn’t look like the U.S. managed this. Met with Volcker of the Fed. Reserve. Int. prime rates went to 20 today. This is “chicken little” stuff in the money mkt. based on pessimism that Cong. wont give us what we’re asking so inflation will go up. Bill Smith came in with a task force report on immigration. Our 1st problem is what to do with 1000’s of Cubans—criminals & the insane that Castro loaded on refugee boats & sent here. Finally an interview with Teddy White. Yes now I’ll be in a book called “The Making of the Pres.” Tonite we went to the Lisner Auditorium for the benefit performance by the Joffrey Ballet. Ron is featured in much of it—the old show biz story. One of the principles strained a muscle & Ron replaced him. He was darn good. He has a grace that is remindful of Fred Astaire—a little extra flair that makes it all look easy.