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Diary Entry - 05/15/1987

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 05-15-1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan receives word of the abduction of a US Army Nurse by insurgents in Mozambique.

  • President Reagan attends a National Security Council meeting to discuss the Intermediate Range Nuclear Forces treaty.

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A staff [meeting]—quite an agenda. We looked over a list of names for AIDS Commission. List included Nancys brother Dick. Then I learned that Jonathan Miller who was mentioned in testimony yesterday as helping an aide of Col. North cash $7,000 in travelers checks for distribution to the Contras immediately resigned. But it seems he had already informed us he was resigning as of today several days ago before there was any such testimony. Press of course is declaring he resigned because of the testimony.

N.S.C.—Cap W. & George S. apparently have conflicting views on proposed I.N.F. treaties with regard to the zero zero proposal vs. leaving some short range missiles in place. And there is possible disagreement about S.D.I. and whether Cap should send report to Cong. directly bearing on progress & relation to A.B.M. treaty or go through State dept. In this one Cap is correct, the law is very specific on how it’s to be done.

Rcvd. word RENAMO [Resistencia Nacional Mozambicana]—the insurgent group in Mozambique has kidnaped an Army Nurse. We have asked the Red Cross to provide us with some details. I want her rescued if we have to blow up the whole d--n country.

Then some discussion of Pakistan & their request for an A.W.A.C.S. plane.

At 11:30 over to E.O.B. to take Q’s from regional media. It went well. Lunch—a little desk work & upstairs for the afternoon & evening.

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