Diary Entry - 05/16/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a graduation ceremony at the Kennedy Center for military doctors from all branches of service.
President Reagan makes a Radio Address to the Nation on the federal budget and trade issues.
Over to Kennedy Center for graduation of 162 mil. Dr’s. We now have a medical U. that trains Dr’s. for every branch of the mil. They graduate as Dr’s. & also as Officers in the different branches of the service. I did the commencement address—introduced by Cap W.
Then over to Oval O. for Sat. radio broadcast—on budget & trade matters—told story of my Harley-Davidson visit.
Come afternoon—Nancys annual tennis tournament—fund raiser for anti drug campaign. Last year it netted $400,000—this year it’s $540,000. It was great fun—many of our people, some show business stars & top tennis pro’s. Then after the tourney a reception & dinner in the W.H. We joined Tom Sellick & others for our buffet plate. We phoned Yasmin [Aga-Khan] about her mothers death.