Diary Entry - 05/14/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a Staff meeting to discuss the media's linking of the Iran and Contra affairs as a single incident.
President Reagan receives a report on the Anti Ballistic Missile treaty.
The Commerce Department reports that the U.S. trade deficit has narrowed in March to $13.6 billion.
At staff meeting rcv’d. some recent figures by Wirthlin. They are encouraging. My approval rating holds at 53%. Then some discussion on the press coverage of the hearing & the way in which they have linked Iran & the Contras as if it’s one incident & I’m covering something up. I’ve been going public for several years on aid to the Contras. Then it was N.S.C. time. Frank reported on Ceresos visit & his other meetings while here. We seem to have done well. Mrs. Cereso attended a dinner on the yacht Sequoia former Presidential boat sold by Carter. I think before I leave I should get the craft back for future Presidents. A report on the Sofaer study of the A.B.M. treaty with regard to our S.D.I. development. It proves the A.B.M. treaty does not forbid our testing of S.D.I. We are paying a price because of this S.D.I. debate. Otherwise friendly members of Cong. opposed to the liberal interpretation of the treaty turn against us on other issues.
Had a photo with Mari Masengs office of Public Liaison staff. I’m getting ahead of myself—this photo was in the afternoon. In the morning I met with & took picture with the Philippine/U.S. Business Committee. Then a briefing & a half hour interview with writers from 4 Nat. magazines.
Lunch and then a signing of my financial statement. A session with Bob Tuttle and a taping session. Upstairs & waiting for Nancys return & and here she is. Me & the dog are very happy.