Diary Entry - 04/28/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan greets Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau.
President Reagan nominates Richard Stone as Ambassador at Large and Special Representative to Central America.
President Reagan receives the "Gold Award" for distinguished world service from the Chapel of the Four Chaplains Organization.
Nancy left for Phoenix—we’ll be apart until Monday. I dont like this but I know it cant be helped. The wires, phone calls & mailgrams are running about 3 to 1 in my favor on the speech. Today named Dick Stone former Dem. Senator as personal envoy to Central America. Sen. Dodd & other far out liberals & left wingers are all over the tube screaming foul. Dodd calls me ignorant. His claim to expertise on Central Am. is 2 yrs. as a peace corps vol. many yrs. ago in Dominica. P.M. Trudeau of Canada here for meetings & lunch. It turned out alright & he’s pleased with our plans for the summit. I phoned Lin Vann the little Cambodia refugee who had been here 4 yrs. (12 yrs. old) and has just won a spelling contest in Tenn. Presented Presidential medal {to Frank Carlucci} who is going to “Sears” after 30 yrs. of govt. service. Rcvd a gold medal from the “Four Chaplains Chapel group” Patti called—she’s been looking for work quite awhile—needed to borrow some money.