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Diary Entry - 04/28/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-28-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan greets Prime Minister of Canada Pierre Trudeau.

  • President Reagan nominates Richard Stone as Ambassador at Large and Special Representative to Central America.

  • President Reagan receives the "Gold Award" for distinguished world service from the Chapel of the Four Chaplains Organization.

View the President's Schedule
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Nancy left for Phoenix—we’ll be apart until Monday. I dont like this but I know it cant be helped. The wires, phone calls & mailgrams are running about 3 to 1 in my favor on the speech. Today named Dick Stone former Dem. Senator as personal envoy to Central America. Sen. Dodd & other far out liberals & left wingers are all over the tube screaming foul. Dodd calls me ignorant. His claim to expertise on Central Am. is 2 yrs. as a peace corps vol. many yrs. ago in Dominica. P.M. Trudeau of Canada here for meetings & lunch. It turned out alright & he’s pleased with our plans for the summit. I phoned Lin Vann the little Cambodia refugee who had been here 4 yrs. (12 yrs. old) and has just won a spelling contest in Tenn. Presented Presidential medal {to Frank Carlucci} who is going to “Sears” after 30 yrs. of govt. service. Rcvd a gold medal from the “Four Chaplains Chapel group” Patti called—she’s been looking for work quite awhile—needed to borrow some money.

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