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Diary Entry - 04/26/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-26-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary General of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Joseph Luns to discuss nuclear weapons disarmament and European intermediate-range missile deployment.

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary of Education Terrel Bell to discuss the National Commission on Excellence in Education.

  • In a continuing bull market atmosphere, the Dow Jones Industrial Average of trading on the New York Stock Exchange breaks the 1200 barrier.

View the President's Schedule
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Sec. Gen. Luns of N.A.T.O. came by. He believes strongly in our disarmament proposals & in the need for us to deploy intermediate missiles in Europe. I was scrambling all day to get the speech on Central America in shape for Wed. nite. State dept., N.S.C., Defense & C.I.A. all are putting an oar in. I had 3 scripts on my desk at one time. I’d already turned in my own version. Met with selected members of the House Intelligence Committee. Cong. has eroded away much of the Const. authority of the Presidency in foreign affairs matters. They cant & dont have the information the Pres. has & they are really lousing things up. Gov. Sununu of N.H. came by. He’s concerned that C.E.T.A. bureaucrats out there in the states are sabotaging our job training program making it into a “make work” program. Met with Nat. Commission on Excellence in Ed. & received their report. It’s a great report & lays it on the line—our educational system has deteriorated & mostly because of Fed. interference. Did an interview with U.S.A. Today. Early dinner for about 40 people honoring Lawrence Olivier—then we saw his picture, “King Lear.” It was a tour de force for him. Bill & Pat Buckley stayed the night. It was good to see them.

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