Diary Entry - 04/25/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in the presentation of the Enrico Fermi Aard to Department of Energy Recipient.
President Reagan meets with James Coyne to discuss private sector initiative activities.
An easy day except for getting up—the 1st day of daylight savings. I’ve told Ed & Mike they & Jim B. & Bill C. should get together & lay it out on the table. A real split has developed & the press is making much of it due to leaks probably by subordinates in behalf of their bosses. At 11 A.M. was at Dept. of Energy for ceremony presenting the Fermi awards to 2 nuclear scientists. Met with Jim Coyne on how we can spread the word about the multitude of pvt. programs doing things Congress thinks only govt. can do. Interview with Dr. Hubert Burda (W. Germany) for magazine “Bunte”—W. Germany’s leading family mag. Joy Hodges-Scheiss & husband came by. I gave Joy a letter to be read to the 50th reunion of her E. High school class in Des Moines.