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Diary Entry - 04/13/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-13-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Prime Minister Lee Kuan Yew of the Republic of Singapore.

  • President Reagan addresses the American Society of Newspaper Editors Convention.

  • A commandeered Kuwaiti jetliner takes off from Cyprus for Algeria, after the pro-Iranian Shiite Muslim hijackers on board freed twelve hostages.

View the President's Schedule
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Back on regular time. Nine o’clock meeting—1st A. B. Culvahouse with a message I had to O.K. It seems that Eastern Airlines is bankrupt & cannot be approved as safe to fly. Even our military has ruled Eastern cannot be used by mil. persons. Then Ken D. came in, Howard B. is still in Tenn. We are somewhat encouraged by progress in cleaning up trade bill—but it still isn’t something I can sign.

We’re hopeful we can break Sam Nunns logjam on the I.N.F. treaty. Then Ken proposed Ken Khachigian as writer for 3 speeches that will face me before I’m through. I OK’d. A few schedule changes.

N.S.C.—A brief on visit by P.M. of Singapore Lee Kwan Yew. I’ve known him for a number of years & think he’s one of the worlds most solid statesmen.

Some strange antics have been going on at our oil storage base in Panama. Last night Marines were reported to be firing on invaders. We dont know yet if there was a real fire fight or something cooked up by Panamanian radio. No one was hurt. Confusion ended about 1 A.M.

Three more Soviet defectors (deserters) in Afghanistan have arrived in U.S. by way of Canada.

We have a problem with Sen. Jake Garn who is determined we must take some very punitive action against Japan’s Toshiba Company. We think it is mindless interference. He’s trying to get in the trade bill. We think we’ve taken action already At 11 A.M. went over to E.O.B. to address “Young Presidents Org.” They are being briefed by a number of our people. Then it was Lee Kwan Yew time. A short meeting in Oval O. & then over to the W.H. for lunch. It was really good to see him again. He’s been working to help Pres. Aquino in the Philippines.

Then over to Marriott Hotel to address & take Q’s. from “Am. Society of Newspaper Editors.” This too went well. Then back to W.H.—some desk work & upstairs for balance of afternoon.

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