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Diary Entry - 04/12/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-12-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with conservative leaders to discuss foreign policy.

  • President and Mrs. Reagan host a reception for the Public Broadcasting Service.

View the President's Schedule
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Another 10 A.M. day—they’re spoiling me.

In 1st meeting we talked a little about the budget which will be first one Congress has given me. A little discussion of the Trade Bill which might be coming to a shape I could sign. Another bill demanding harsher treatment of Japan because of the Toshiba matter is one I wish would die. We’ve already gotten some concessions from Japan. Sen. is now taking up the Canada Free Trade Bill.

N.S.C.—Kuwait & Jordan have both volunteered to storm the hi jacked 747 on Cyprus. It wont work without causing the slaughter of the hostages.

Believe it or not we’ve been approached by Iran to see if we cant have a better relationship. In Honduras Pres. Ascona is having some trouble over his release of drug kingpin Matta. Our Sec. of Air Force has been invited to the Soviet U. to visit their space center. Of course they then want a visit to ours. At 11:30 another meeting with leaders of hard core Conservative leaders Paul Weyrich, Gen. Graham etc. Half hour meeting became an hour. As usual they had us on the wrong side in Afghanistan settlement, Mozambique, Chile & Angola. It’s amazing how certain they can be when they know so d--n little of what we’re really doing. A late lunch for me then my postponed meeting with Frank Carlucci. He reports Pakistanis are most pleased with us & eager to cooperate in helping us in the Afghan affair. Then down to the situation room for an hour of N.S.P.G. meeting. Subject Panama. We’re all agreed we must not fail in the Noriega matter. A group is going to explore additional steps we might take.

Then a stretch of desk time. Dr. & Mrs. Burton Smith stopped by for a few minutes.

Upstairs to get Nancy & go down to East Room for reception of about 400 P.B.S. people who play a part in the “Concert at the W.H.” series. It all went well—I finished my remarks with a few jokes. Then upstairs & Nancy went on her way to a speech she had to make. Ted Graber & I had dinner in the study.

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