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Diary Entry - 04/11/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-11-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan announces to the press the signing of the Afghanistan Accord.

  • President and Mrs. Reagan host a State Dinner in honor of King Carl XVI Gustaff and Queen Silvia of Sweden.

  • Hijackers of a Kuwait Airways jetliner kill a second hostage and dump his body onto the ground in Larnaca, Cyprus.

View the President's Schedule
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A late start,—for a couple of days I’m scheduled in to begin at 10 A.M. not 9. It helps to get oriented to the time change. Howard B. just flew in from Tenn. in time for the 10 A.M. meeting. He’d had a talk with Nick Brady who was optimistic about the 100 pt. increase in the Dow Jones. He does not believe it foretells another crash. Incidentally last week was the first time the mkt. shut off the computerized program selling.

Howard reported Sam Nunn & Sen. Helms are raising h--l about I.N.F.— trying to block it’s ratification by the Senate.

N.S.C.—Colin & John Negroponte came in for their meeting. Colin told me George S. would report in a later meeting on the Afghanistan situation. Sen. Gordon Humphrey is objecting to the Geneva accords which George S. will be signing—possibly this Thurs. The Sen. thinks we’re selling out the Afghans. He’s wrong as H--l. We are not deserting them at all & if Soviets continue arming the Kabul govt. We’ll continue arming the Mujahadeen.

A problem with the French has come up—they have a high tech firm that is selling high tech. products to the Soviets similar to the Toshiba deal.

Honduras—quiet now but leftist students still trying to get riots going again.

A witness at Sen. Kerrys hearings on drugs claimed P.M. Seaga of Jamaica was involved & that it’s been covered up. Seaga is naturally upset & has a right to be. The story is a phony. Ethiopia is fighting some internal problems & has pulled all relief agencies out of famine area which can mean no food for 3⁄4 of a million people.

Some desk time then an Issues lunch in the Cabinet Room. Following which I met with George S., Frank C. & Bill Webster. Frank will have to come in tomorrow. Georges report on Middle East & Afghanistan ran over. Frank will tell us about his visit with Zia—Pres. of Pakistan.

Then out in the Rose Garden with 2 N.C.A.A. Basketball Nat. Champion Teams—Womens champs from La. Tech. & Mens team from U. of Kansas. It was a fun event. A haircut, a sneeze shot & upstairs to get ready for dinner tonite with the King & Queen of Sweden.

The dinner was most enjoyable—about 50 people all told & entertainment by Barbara Cole after dinner.

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