Diary Entry - 04/10/1988

Key Facts
President and Mrs. Reagan travel to Washington, D.C. by way of Las Vegas onboard Air Force One.
President Reagan attends and address the National Broadcasters Association meeting.
The hijackers of a Kuwait Airways jetliner vow to carry out a "slow, quiet massacre" of their hostages.
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Up at 7 A.M.—back into our store bought clothes & up to the heli-pad. Marine 1 to Pt. Mugu & A.F.1 to Las Vegas. There I addressed the Nat. Broadcasters Assn. at the Hilton—4000 in one room & several thousand more in other auditoriums getting it by closed circuit T.V. Rcv’d. their first annual award—then back to the plane & off for Wash. Flight uneventful—arrived at Andrews A.F.B. at 6:35 & now at the W.H. with a warm greeting from Rex.