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Diary Entry - 04/10/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-10-1988

Key Facts

  • President and Mrs. Reagan travel to Washington, D.C. by way of Las Vegas onboard Air Force One.

  • President Reagan attends and address the National Broadcasters Association meeting.

  • The hijackers of a Kuwait Airways jetliner vow to carry out a "slow, quiet massacre" of their hostages.

View the President's Schedule
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Up at 7 A.M.—back into our store bought clothes & up to the heli-pad. Marine 1 to Pt. Mugu & A.F.1 to Las Vegas. There I addressed the Nat. Broadcasters Assn. at the Hilton—4000 in one room & several thousand more in other auditoriums getting it by closed circuit T.V. Rcv’d. their first annual award—then back to the plane & off for Wash. Flight uneventful—arrived at Andrews A.F.B. at 6:35 & now at the W.H. with a warm greeting from Rex.

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