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Diary Entry - 04/14/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-14-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan calls Prime Minster of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan Mohammed Khan Junejo.

  • Five people are killed as the Japanese Red Army bombs a U.S. military recreational club in Naples.

  • Afghanistan, Pakistan, the U.S., and the Soviet Union sign agreements providing for the withdrawal of Soviet forces from Afghanistan and creation of a nonaligned Afghan state.

View the President's Schedule
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Dem. Leadership in Cong. has asked for meeting with Howard B. & Jim B. I think they want to find out where I’ll decide enough has been done on Trade bill to get me to sign. Howard B. leans toward reducing numbers & having me attend the meeting.

N.S.C.—I’m going to call (Colins request) P.M. (of Pakistan) Junejo. Later in morning I did call. We were just recognizing each other’s part in Afghan agreements George S. signed in Geneva today.

One of the hostages released from the Hi jacked plane now in Algeria identified one of the terrorists who got on plane in Iran as the murderer Izz Al Dim who killed our Navy man on the TWA 847 hijacked in 1985. We have notified Algerians we have a warrant for his arrest.

Colin & Howard are going to the hill to meet with Sens. on I.N.F. A 2nd I.N.F. issue has arisen—we had agreed to ban conventional cruise missiles (ground launched) as well as nuclear C.Ms. Some Sen’s. are objecting.

Dick Wirthlin came by with new Poll figures. My rating stays at 55%. Some figures reflected, I believe, result of Dem. Presidential Candidates fairy tales. For example that Dems. are better than we are on cutting Fed. spending. Then a meeting in Roosevelt Rm. with about 40 of the Repub. donors who play a major role in the “Presidents Dinner” May 11 which raises money for Sen. & Cong. campaigns. David Murdock has agreed to chair the affair.

Lunch with V.P. in the study. He’s unopposed now in the Repub. primary.

After lunch had a brief meeting with former Sen. John Sherman Cooper. Time has taken a toll. He wanted to talk about Contra aid—he’s with us.

After 2 hrs. of free time—a personnel meeting with Bob Tuttle.

Then a heavy schedule of Admin. time. Presented crystal apple—annual award to teacher of the year. Then certificates to 3 students—a 6th grader, 8th & 12th. Most fun was with a dozen high school students—part of a nat. org. who visit foreign students. This group is bound for Finland & Soviet U. & etc. etc. etc.

Before afternoon was over we got word a U.S. Frigate in the P. Gulf hit a mine. Only 5 non serious injurys & ship on emergency power is on it’s way to Bahrain.

Then word of car bomb exploding in front of the U.S.O. bldg. in Naples. I do not have figures yet on deaths & injuries. U.S.O. there serves sailors from our 6th Fleet.

Dinner with Ted G. & Mermie on hand.

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