Diary Entry - 04/03/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan prepares in the White House theater for an upcoming press conference.
President Reagan meets with the National Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee.
President Reagan meets with Republican Leadership from both Houses of Congress.
Met with G.O.P. Leadership—House & Sen. on 2 subjects: Our $150 bil. down payment on the deficit & why we had to stay united and our supplemen tal appropriations to help El Salvador. I hope we convinced them. There are mil. units facing the rebels with ammunition limited to the clip they have in their gun. At N.S.C. our Ambas. to Sweden came in for a visit. Went over to the E.O.B. to meet with the Nat. Security Telecommunications Advisory Committee. It’s made up of representatives from at least 30 companies and does an invaluable job. Then a couple of hours in the Family Theatre rehearsing for Wed’s. Press Conf. Nancy is out to dinner tonight getting an award for her work on drugs. This afternoon Bill Smith came in to tell me he’d stay on as Attorney Gen. until this whole mess with Ed M. is cleared up & we can go on. This solves a real problem for us.