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Diary Entry - 04/04/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 04-04-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan places a call to Belisario Betancur Cuartas, President of the Republic of Colombia.

  • President Reagan participates in his 23rd press conference.

  • President Reagan has lunch with the Secretary of the Treasury, Don Regan.

View the President's Schedule
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N.S.C.—staff time & finally a Cab. Council meeting regarding the street people, particularly those who have been released from Mental Hospitals & have no homes. We are embarking on a program of partnership with various pvt. org’s. & groups. Had a brief meeting with Reps. of the Catholic Health Assn. Then lunch with Don Regan. He’s almost certain that the Fed. is on the right course and our recovery is going to continue. He says tax simplification is not going to be easy. I made a couple of calls to the Presidents of Columbia & Venezuela to thank them for the Argentine rescue mission. I’ll call the rest tomorrow. Geo. S. & I met to discuss our progress with the Soviets. We’re quietly making some headway. A practice session for the press conf. & now the Conference. It went well and everyone was upbeat about it. We turned the set around & I had the main hall as my background instead of the East wall.

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