Diary Entry - 04/01/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Thrift Industry representatives to discuss the high interest rates.
President Reagan places a call to the President of Argentina to attempt to persuade him not to invade the Falkland Islands.
The U.S. transfers the Canal Zone to Panama.
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Met with Gordon Luce & reps. of “Savings & Loan” industry. They are really in trouble and again because of the high interest rates. We are trying to help in several ways. I started the day with a small dish of fruit, 1 piece of toast & a cup of Brim. No lunch & off to Bethesda Hospt. I’m back to a lonely house—Nancy is in Atlanta. Dr. Burton S. came East for the exam. It was a grueling 3 hours but everything turned out fine. Plumbing in excellent shape.