Diary Entry - 04/02/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a Cabinet Council meeting about legal policy on prayer in schools.
President Reagan learns that Argentina has landed 1000 military personnel on the Falkland Islands.
A couple of Rose Garden signing ceremonies on the 2nd nice day in a row. Met with U.S. Canada Border Commission. Had Cabinet Council meeting on Prayer in Schools & Busing. We’ll try for a Const. Amendment on prayer. Paul Laxalt & I lunched on the patio. A good talk on our budget problems. He’s on the task force (bi-partisan) that’s trying to work out a compromise. He seems pretty optimistic. Dick Wirthlin came in—more bad polling news. I’m slipping badly in the polls. I think it reflects the constant media drumbeat of biased reporting against what we’re trying to do. After the press conference the calls were heavy in my favor and a goodly number jumped all over the press. Worked on 1st 5 min. radio spot—do tomorrow. Nancy came home—now the place seems better. Last night I called the Pres. of Argentina—talked for 40 min. trying to persuade him not to invade the Falkland Islands (property of U.K. since 1540 or so). Argentina has been trying to claim them for 149 years. I got no where. This morning they landed some 1000 or so men. Population of islands is only 2000 almost all English. Now we learn there is a possibility of oil there.