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Diary Entry - 03/31/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-31-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Senator Nancy L. Kassebaum and members of the official US observers to the elections in El Salvador earlier in the year.

  • President Reagan congratulates the winners of the V.F.W.'s Democracy Scholarship.

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Two of the cutest little 5 year old girls—twins came in as the Nat. Arthritis Foundation poster girls. Both have had arthritis since they were 2. Spoke to 52 high school winners of the V.F.W. Democracy contest. Quarter of a mil. participated. Nancy Kassebaum & the Cong. group who went to El Salvador to observe the election reported in. They told the most inspiring stories about the people standing in line 10 to 12 hours in order to vote. I liked it best when they said the people chanted at the press (our press) “Tell the Truth.” Spent 2 hours in a Q&A with my gang preparing for the press conf. It’s over now—held it in East room, 8 P.M. live. I think I won. Dr. Burton Smith in town—dropped by with Dan R. He’s checking my plumbing tomorrow.

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