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Diary Entry - 03/30/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-30-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan is interviewed for the Reagan Presidential Documentary to be shown at the "President's Dinner."

  • President Reagan hosts a private dinner party.

  • U.S. House Democratic and Republican leaders announce that they agree in principle on a package of about $50

View the President's Schedule
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Ed Meese on ticket again—Howard B. thinks we’re in for a big fire storm.

N.S.C.—Contra funding—they are coming close on the hill & we may be winning. Plan calls for our A.I.D. program to deliver to Latin Am. then some other means must be found to get the supplies to the Contras—we’re talking about Humanitarian supplys. If Lethal aid is required—the Dems. want me to write a letter to the “Speaker” & he’ll have to respond in 10 days. It’s possible we may have a deal by end of the week. I.N.F. treaty seems to be coming along in the Sen. OK. I received a phone call from Pres. Zia of Pakistan. I think we may be close to a deal on Afghanistan.

My office work was confined to the “Study”—Oval O. was being set up for documentary film. I’ll be on camera in the afternoon. Some desk work then out in Rose Garden to meet with some young science students who have gotten nat. notice & to push the Superconductor Super Collider Program.

Then over to E.O.B. for swearing in of Will Ball as Sec. of Navy. Met his family in Study 1st & had photos taken. His wife is expecting in 2 weeks.

Back to lunch on the patio—beautiful day 75°. Then Bob Tuttle—Personnel. A meeting with Geo. Shultz. Then the documentary filming—it was fun. They are giving the film for viewing at my Presidential Library.

Finally upstairs—no Nancy—she’s in Calif. now. But I’m entertaining a dinner—some prominent citizens—a mix just to hear their ideas. Ms. Cathy Black, Howard B., John Connally, Col. Frank Borman (USAF Ret.), Robt. W. Galvin, Daniel J. Boorstin & Walter Cronkite. The dinner turned out great—good conversations & humor also. An early evening over by 9.





Publisher, USA Today, married to Tom Harvey, Deputy Administrator of the Veterans Administration, they just adopted a little boy. Age 44, born in Chicago, lives in Washington, D.C.


Contributing Editor of U.S. News and World Report, Former Librarian of Congress, Author. Age 73, born in Georgia, lives in Washington, D.C.


Former Chairman of the Board, Eastern Airlines, Former astronaut from 1962–1970; including Apollo 8 (first lunar orbital mission). Age 60, born in Indiana, lives in New Mexico.


Former Secretary of Navy (Kennedy); Former Secretary of Treasury (Nixon); former Governor of Texas. Age 71, born and lives in Texas.


Special projects associate for CBS. Former CBS anchorman and announcer. Sailing enthusiast. Heads fundraising drive to create living memorial to Space Shuttle Challenger crew. Age 71, born in Missouri, lives in New York.


Chairman, Motorola, Inc., which exports cellular phones to Japan. Motorola has created 18,400 new U.S. jobs in the last five years. Age 65, born in Wisconsin, lives in Illinois.

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