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Diary Entry - 03/29/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-29-1988

Key Facts

  • President and Mrs. Reagan participate in a ceremony honoring the 1988 Cancer Courage Award, Jill Ireland.

  • President Reagan signs Proclamation 5782, Education Day.

  • President Reagan accepts the resignation of two top U.S. Justice Department officials.

View the President's Schedule
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Rcv’d. 2 resignations from the number 2 & 3 man in the Justice dept. Their resignations just said they wanted to return to civilian life. We think they are leaving because they believe that special investigator is going to hand down an indictment or a censure on Ed Meese. I hope not. Ed may have used bad judgment a couple of times but he is honest as the day is long.

We talked some about the Sen. & I.N.F. The Repub’s. have been filibustering on another matter. Byrd is expected to try for cloture—this will be the 4th time. Some changes have been made in the trade bill but it’s still not good enough to sign. Then at 9:30 A.M. into Cabinet room for meeting with Repub. Cong. leadership. It was a general report to them & discussion. Colin, Geo. Shultz, F. Carlucci, Jim Baker, Dick Cheney & Al Simpson, Clay Yeutter & Ann McLaughlin.

Then N.S.C. but we were already behind schedule so we cut it short.

Briefing for interviews with 15 media & press people from outside the beltway.

I did some Q&A and then turned it over to Howard B. & went back to my desk.

Lunch on the patio with George Will. He’s been critical of our tax policy & some other things. I hope I straightened him out.

At 1:30 out to the Rose Garden for ceremony involving 57 cancer victims all of whom have recv’d. the Cancer Society Courage Award. Nancy received one & I presented one. A signing ceremony in Oval O. for proclamation naming this Ed. day. About a dozen Rabbi’s were in attendance. N.S.P.G. meeting on Noriega—we’re going to see what mil. options we might have.

Then an interview with my biographer Edmund Morris. A meeting with Jake Garn & several Sen’s. both parties to discuss some budget matters. I’ve agreed to go public to explain need for more money for Space & science.

Then a sneeze shot & measured for bust that will be made & given to my Presidential Library. And upstairs to Mommie & Mermie.

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