Diary Entry - 03/31/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan is interviewed by John Parmelee, a D.C. public high school student who is participating in the TIME, Inc. Odyssey Project.
President Reagan attends the first Baldrige Quality Awards Program, saluting companies that increase productivity and quality if their goods.
Brief talk about the House passing Contra Aid by a sizeable margin. Also change in Moscow trip schedule—we leave for Helsinki May 25 instead of May 26.
N.S.C.—Les Aspin of House Armed Svc’s. committee took $300 mil. away from M-X rail launchers & added it to the Midget Man missiles which only the Congress wants—the mil. doesn’t want them. F. Carlucci had already raised them by $200 mil. Now the Cong. also removed $800 mil. from our figure for S.D.I.—this is a terrible set back.
At 9:45 down to the Situation room for an N.S.P.G. meeting. Main purpose was on problem of Philippines making noises like we should remove our bases at Clark Field & Subic Bay. Of course if we wanted to raise the rent a fantastic amount they’d reconsider. Then we got on Noriega again & cleared up a few items that had been suggested but that would have been very counter productive.
Lunch with V.P. Then an interview with a 17 yr. old high school journalist for a magazine on “Heroes.” It was pleasant & brief. His name was John Parmalee.
In the Roosevelt room I addressed a group of top business leaders etc. kicking off the “Baldridge Quality Awards” program. It is another incentive idea toward making us more competitive in the world mkt.
A Cabinet meeting during which word came the Senate had passed the Contra aid bill 88 to 7.
Some photos with departmental staffs. Then Admin. time. Photo with Pat Ingoglia & family—she used to be on my staff in Calif. Then reps. of the White House Athletic Center. And a signing of a bill that involves a 3 way land trade involving between Nev. Fla. & Aerojet with us winding up able to buy some more game land in Fla. at no expense to us.
A haircut & then a taping session & upstairs. Mike R. will be here tonite to go to Calif. with me on A.F.1.