Diary Entry - 03/28/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with the U.S. Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., Arthur A. Hartman.
President Reagan participates in an interview with two reporters from the New York Times.
Met with Harry Shlaudeman. He’s replacing Dick Stone & is off tomorrow to Central Am. He’s a good man. Had an interview (2 reporters) N.Y. Times. They’ve interviewed Mondale & Hart & Jackson—now it’s my turn. I enjoyed it. It gave me a chance to set the record straight on a few things. After lunch did a T.V. interview for KTSP Phoenix Ariz. They are doing a special on Barry Goldwater so all the Q’s. were about Barry. Geo. S. & Bud & I met—more talk about the Soviets & how we should handle the situation. Later our Ambas. Art Hartman came by. He’s truly a fine Ambas. It was good to have a chance to pick his brains. He says they aren’t going to let Chernenko become a top man & Gromyko is going to be sure everything goes thru him. Went up to my study for rest of afternoon & some desk work.