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Diary Entry - 03/28/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-28-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with the U.S. Ambassador to the U.S.S.R., Arthur A. Hartman.

  • President Reagan participates in an interview with two reporters from the New York Times.

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Met with Harry Shlaudeman. He’s replacing Dick Stone & is off tomorrow to Central Am. He’s a good man. Had an interview (2 reporters) N.Y. Times. They’ve interviewed Mondale & Hart & Jackson—now it’s my turn. I enjoyed it. It gave me a chance to set the record straight on a few things. After lunch did a T.V. interview for KTSP Phoenix Ariz. They are doing a special on Barry Goldwater so all the Q’s. were about Barry. Geo. S. & Bud & I met—more talk about the Soviets & how we should handle the situation. Later our Ambas. Art Hartman came by. He’s truly a fine Ambas. It was good to have a chance to pick his brains. He says they aren’t going to let Chernenko become a top man & Gromyko is going to be sure everything goes thru him. Went up to my study for rest of afternoon & some desk work.

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