Diary Entry - 03/29/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan conducts a N.S.C. meeting to talk about the chemical warfare treaty.
President Reagan meets with the U.S. Ambassador to El Salvador, Thomas R. Pickering.
President Reagan accepts a one-of-a-kind .44 calibre long barrel pistol from Smith & Wesson.
Met with Ambas. Pickering (El Salvador). He’s a fine rep. of the U.S. He confirmed all that our observers had said about the El Salvador election. He had some shrewd insights to offer on the entire situation. N.S.C. meeting re a chemical warfare treaty. Problem is the near impossibility to verify whether treaty is being observed. I settled finally that we should table a treaty but with the proviso that verification must be negotiated first. If there is no agreement on that—then no treaty. Cong.man Andy Ireland & wife came in. He is 4th Dem. Congressman to turn Repub. in 3 years. Ann Devroy interviewed me about my health for U.S.A. Today. Had a good meeting with Presidents of Historically, Black Colleges & Universities. Then Admin. time. First visitors—a group from Am. Cancer Society. I presented “Miss Kitty”—from “Gunsmoke” the societys courage award. She had cancer of the mouth and is cured. Her mouth had to be reconstructed & then therapy to restore her speech. Hungarian Americans presented me with portrait painted by a Mrs. Mack—very good. Execs. from Smith & Wesson presented me with a real collectors item—a one of a kind 44 calibre long barrel pistol beautifully engraved. A couple of photos with visitors, a taping session & a cocktail off the record with several news men. After dinner Billy & Ruth Graham came by. They are nice people & we had a most pleasant visit. News today was good. Ec. Indicators up for 18th straight month. Housing sales up 8.7% over Jan. & 22% over last year at this time.