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Diary Entry - 03/27/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-27-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Secretary of the Treasury, Don Regan.

  • President Reagan speaks with several Hispanic American Medal of Honor recipients.

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Don Regan is back from China. Apparently the P.R.C. is moving more & more toward free enterprise. They are now opening up to outright capitalist investment by foreign businesses & industries. Farm communes are gone & individuals are allowed long term land leases & the right to sell produce in the market. Went to Capitol Hilton & addressed Nat. Legislative Conf. of Insurance Agents of Am. We had the 10 Hispanic American holders of the Cong. Medal of Honor in. They are helping P.O. design a stamp recognizing service of Hispanics in defense of our country. There was a bill signing later recognizing part played by Blacks in the Revolutionary war—almost 6000 of them. N.S.C. meeting re our approach to Russia. Problem is how to counter Soviets propaganda that they are the peace seekers when they are the ones who walked out of the arms talks. I believe our campaign must begin with my reply to Chernenkos letter to me. Had an interview with Family Weekly then an informal cocktail hour with about 8 members of the press—off the record.

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