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Diary Entry - 03/20/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-20-1984

Key Facts

  • The President and First Lady host a breakfast for the "Outstanding Young Farmers of America" and their families.

  • President Reagan attends an N.S.C. briefing on the possibility of Iran closing the Persian Gulf.

  • The Senate rejects an amendment to permit spoken prayer in public schools.

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First day of Spring. Bkfst. downstairs with 4 farm families—the 4 Jaycee choices as farmer of the year. They were young and the nicest families—one of the children a 1 month old baby. We launched Agriculture Day. In the afternoon back over to the East room for a signing ceremony of the Shipping Act of 1984. On to the E.O.B. for an N.S.C. meeting on contingency planning for what we’ll do if Iran should seek to close the Persian gulf causing a world wide oil shortage. One thing we wont do is go down the road of govt. allocations etc. We’ll trust to the mkt. for that. We’ll have to help our allies, we are less dependent on imported oil than they are. Finished the day with an interview by reps. of 6 midwest papers. I dont think they drew blood. During the day I called Congressman Ireland in a Fla. Hospital with pneumonia. He is the 4th Dem. Rep. to turn Republican since we’ve been here. We lost the school prayer amendment in the Senate. We had a majority but needed a 2⁄3 majority. The sad thing is about 15 Sens. were convinced the amendment was a mandate that schools would have to have prayer. Lowell Weicker was the head ringmaster against us as he is on everything we want. He’s a pompous, no good, fathead.

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