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Diary Entry - 03/21/1984

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-21-1984

Key Facts

  • President Reagan receives word that the aircraft carrier U.S.S. Kitty Hawk (CV-63) collided with a Soviet Victor class submarine (Project 671) in the Sea of Japan.

  • The President and First Lady entertain house guests.

View the President's Schedule
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Over to Capitol hill to talk to our Repub. Senators & Reps. The subject was our $150 bil. down payment on the deficit. First I talked to the Senators in the original old Sen. Chamber then did Q&A. It went pretty well and I answered Lowell Weicker’s Q without telling him what a schmuck he is. Later over to the House side—but not Q&A. All in all everything went well. Back to the W.H. for lunch & a meeting with George S. We discussed Angola, we have something going there that might turn out alright. Our man Crocker is doing a great job in our effort to resolve the Namibia & S. African problem. Dick Wirthlin came by with new polls—they still look good. Then upstairs for some desk work. We have house guests—Jimmy & Gloria Stewart, Bets Bloomingdale, Ted G. [Graber], & Maureen. Got word that a carrier of ours in the Sea of Japan had a scraping collision with a Soviet sub. Then came a call that Gromyko has launched a charge that we’re responsible for a mine off Nicaragua that damaged a Soviet tanker & they claim injured some crewmen. I have approved refusing to accept their note. Our evening with old friends was great.

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