Diary Entry - 03/19/1984

Key Facts
President Reagan is inspired by the technological advances the U.S. has made militarily in the past three years.
A Mobil oil tanker spills 200,000 gallons into the Columbia River.
Went over to E.O.B. and spoke to almost 100 representatives of Small Business—signed the S.B.A. annual report. Of all the sectors of our ec. Small business is the best evidence that our recovery is now a legitimate expansion. Went to the East Room & met with Cuban Americans. I asked their support in getting Radio Marti under way. They are really enthusiastic Americans. After an issues briefing lunch I met for 7th time with the Joint Chiefs of Staff. I had one of the most exciting hours being briefed on where we are as a result of these past 3 yrs. Our technology is so superior to what our possible adversaries have and our improvement in training & readiness are inspiring. In all branches 91% of our recruits are H.S. grads. Highest level in our history. I wish it were possible for our people to know what has been accomplished but too much of it must remain secret. Met with some Senators trying to persuade them to vote for the School Prayer Amendment. Then on to the dentist—a cleaning plus replacing a filling.