Diary Entry - 03/15/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan participates in a Bipartisan Congressional leadership meeting, discussing national security issues.
President Reagan addresses the annual National Republican Senatorial Committee's (NRSC) Inner Circle Dinner.
Colin came in briefly to tell us S. Africa was going to execute 6 people—5 men & 1 woman who had been arrested quite a while ago in Sharpsville S.A. P.M. Thatcher has notified she’s protesting & I joined her. It seems there were some people killed by demonstrators. The 6 did not do the killing but under S.A. law they were equally guilty because they were part of the demonstration.
Then I was told that an Opera is opening at Kennedy Center & I should go but unfortunately it’s the night of Gridiron. The Opera is about Nixon opening China.
N.S.C. Time. Griscom reported on trip to Moscow—advancing for the summit. Provided schedule as laid out now. It calls for 9 days—the first 3 in Helsinki getting time adjusted—then 4 days in Moscow & 5th day leave—tentatively for Brussells to report to N.A.T.O. Then to London for overnite—possible meeting with Queen & P.M. Dates are May 19 to May 27.
Some briefing on Cong. leadership meeting. Got a little hot & heavy on subject of Contra aid. We must do something quickly for Contras are in a bad way.
Today was to be signing day in Geneva re the Soviets leaving Afghanistan. I dont think it happened—Pakistan is a hold out.
Panama & Noriega—tension over no paychecks is increasing. He has chance to go to Spain. We want him to do that. Meeting ran over by half an hour. I had to run for E.O.B. where I addressed the P. Ministers Club—foremost Jewish group.
Then lunch & a meeting with C.E.O.’s representing Swedish Am. Chamber of Commerce. I was made an honorary member & given 1st Lucia award.
Rest of day was photos with a variety of people including some visitors brought in by Congressmen—such as Miss TeenAge Okla. A half hour meeting with George Shultz. He reported on meetings with P.M. Shamir of Israel. I’ll be meeting him tomorrow. Then an early dinner & a drop bye the Inner Circle Dinner for short address. This is fund raiser group for Senate campaign. It was good & raised about $2 1⁄2 mil. Surprise—2 really old friends were there as members—Joel McCrea & Francis Dee his wife.