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Diary Entry - 03/16/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-16-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Yitzhak Shamir, Prime Minister of the State of Israel.

  • President Reagan meets with Jimmy Stewart, actor, and discusses the colorization of black & white films.

  • Former National Security Adviser John M. Poindexter, former White House aide Oliver L. North, retired Air Force Major General Richard V. Secord and Secord's business partner, Albert Hakim, are indicted on charges relating to the Iran Contra affair.

View the President's Schedule
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Bright but cooler. George B. back from campaigning so part of our meeting again. We arrived at decision—I will veto “Grove City Bill” even though it will likely be overturned.

We’re sending up a supplemental appropriations bill or bills—they happen to be required by law. i.e. if Judiciary asks for supplemental I have to pass it on.

We’re facing a Congressional play to increase drastically the minimum wage. We’re trying to get it changed—plus giving us a separate minimum for beginners.

N.S.C.—Colin reported there was a possible coup attempt in Panama—shots were heard around mil. H.Q. but no further word was heard.

Sandinistas launched their attack on Contras & crossed the Honduran border. Hondurans are considering some action like bombing Nicaraguan base. Hondurans asked for expression of support from us—they got it. Another word came the Sandinistas had broken through & were attacking Contra H.Q.—it’s possible some of top command could be killed or captured—no further word.

Some desk time—then brf. for P.M. Shamir’s visit. He arrived at 11:30— 4 waves of press, then he & I had a 1 on 1 for about 10 min’s. I let him know we were determined to remain a close friend & ally but did want to find a way to bring peace to Middle East. Then we joined the others in Cabinet room & after 1⁄2 hrs. further discussion moved to dining room in W.H. for lunch & continuation of discussion. Finally departure statements in East room.

At 2 P.M. a meeting in Oval O. with Jim Stewart—he’s back here doing some lobbying against the computerized coloring of old classic black & white pictures. He makes a good point. I’m going to look into it to see if I can be of help. Then brief visit with Japanese Painter who is doing a painting of me for Repub. H.Q.’s that is going to be named the R.R. bldg. Then upstairs for fitting of coat the tailor in Brussels made for me—it needed some alteration. And at 5 P.M. down to the Blue Rm. for a social type meeting with Repub. Cong. Leadership. It turned out fine & our people were aroused over the Sandinistas assault & crossing the Honduran border.

After dinner a call from Colin & Howard B. they asked to come up & of course did. We’ve gotten a msg. from Pres. Azcona of Honduras. He asked for a show of support by us. He’s getting it. I said yes to 2 Btns [battalions] of the 82nd airborne & 2 btns of light infantry plus a number of helicopters for moving troops.

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