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Diary Entry - 03/14/1988

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 03-14-1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses the Institute for Foreign Policy Analysis Conference on "SDI: The First Five Years."

  • President Reagan participates in an Issues Briefing luncheon.

  • Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir arrives in Washington, D.C. to discuss new ideas for Middle East peace talks.

View the President's Schedule
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Grey & cold. Our team (Advance) is back from Moscow. They report Soviets are different. They really want the summit & want it to succeed. They want the START treaty to be ready for signing. Then N.S.C. Colin brought Prince Bandar who delivered a reply to my letter to King Fahd (Saudi Arabia). [. . .]

After he left the subject was Noriega. It’s true Spain & Paraguay have indicated they will offer him sanctuary. Word is possibly Dominican Repub. will also. No word yet though as to whether he’ll leave Panama.

Word from or regarding Afghanistan is that Soviets want accords signed in Geneva on March 15—tomorrow.

Then Manfried Wolner former Defense Minister W. Germany came in. He is now going to be new Sec. Gen. of N.A.T.O. He’s a good man & we think we’ll get along fine.

Some desk time then off to Omni Shoreham hotel to address Foreign Policy Analysis Conf. Well received—talked about S.D.I. & need to go forward with it.

Back to the Oval O. & a briefing lunch. Then a farewell photo with departing staffer & desk time til meeting with Frank C. who is off to Byrne Switzerland to meet 1 on 1 with Soviet Defense Minister. He’s going to have at them over such things as harassing our mil. etc. More desk time & then the dentist for a long hour of cleaning etc. And finally upstairs.

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