Diary Entry - 03/06/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a National Security and Planning Group meeting on Pakistan and Afghanistan.
President Reagan travels to Camp David for the weekend.
The British ferry Herald of Free Enterprise capsizes in the Channel off the coast of Belgium.
V.P. is out meeting with people in Iowa—just Howard B. & me for the morning meeting. Nothing of great importance. Then N.S.C. with Frank C. & a staffer who gave us a report on latest Soviet doings.
The N.S.P.G. meeting was on Afghanistan & Pakistan. Pakistan is necessary to our help of the Mujahideen [. . .] We must & will continue to give aid to the freedom fighters.
Then a working lunch with Max Kampelman & Ron Lehman & Mike Glitman. We brought them home from Geneva to talk about the Soviets & the proposal to go zero, zero, on I.N.F. forces in Europe. It looks good but we mustn’t get too carried away until we see how far they’ll go on verification.
Then a meeting of about 90 of our staff to thank them & pep them up for the 2 yrs. ahead.
Photos for Time Mag. & upstairs to change for Camp D. On way to Marine 1 photos with 10 leaders of Young Repubs. & greeting to about 500 out on the S. Lawn.
To Camp D.—beautiful weather—spent most of afternoon completing phone calls Doug Morrow requested in behalf of U.S. Space foundation. Also half a dozen Ambas. calls.