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Diary Entry - 02/16/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-16-1982

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with the new Israeli Ambassador.

  • In a letter to Israeli Prime Minister Menahem Begin, President Reagan denies charges that the US is drifting from its policy of full support from Israel.

  • More than thirty seamen are lost when the Soviet freighter Mekhanik Tarasov sinks in a storm off Newfoundland.

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Received Ambassadors (4) including new Israeli Ambas. He brought a harshly worded letter from P.M. Begin re the news stories about Cap W. & his supposed line (which he never said) about changing our policy toward Israel. But I’d sent a letter to “Dear Menachem” before his arrival telling him it was all newspaper talk & that our policy remained the same. Best part of day was of course Mommie coming home. Next to that was having an eye exam & finding out that my contact lenses need changing. They’ve been getting more & more uncomfortable & I thought maybe it was the air conditioning or me etc. Geo. Bush went to Fla. AFL-CIO top leaders meeting. He defended our Ec. policy in the face of the worst attack possible by Lane Kirkland. Funny—I’m the 1st Pres. never invited to the AFL-CIO conventions & I’m the only Pres. who is a lifetime member of an AFL-CIO union.

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