Diary Entry - 02/15/1982

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a briefing by the C.I.A. on El Salvador.
The offshore oil rig Ocean Ranger sinks about 175 nautical miles off Newfoundland, killing all eighty-four crew members.
Stayed home except for session in Situation Room. Briefing by C.I.A. on El Salvador. The Guerillas really have a sophisticated set up. I’d never suspected their organization & communications. They have divided the country into sections with a separate command group for each section & a network of permanent camps, well fortified. [. . .] Now we must find a way to counter it. In the meantime, Ed Asner & some performers show up in Wash. with $25,000 they’ve raised for the Guerillas. Met with Paul Volcker. I think we’ve broken ground for a new & better relationship aimed at getting interest rates down. He thinks we can get short term rates down 3 or 4 points by June. Long term will take longer. I miss Mommie. She called from Fla.—will be home tomorrow nite.