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Diary Entry - 02/17/1982

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-17-1982

Key Facts

  • Mexico withdraws support of the peso in international exchange markets resulting in a plunge of value within a week to .41 cents against the US dollar.

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P.M. Martens (Belgium & Pres. of E.C.C.) & his Foreign Minister Tindemans arrived on a rainy day. We had a good meeting & working lunch. They are more in step with us than some. They are risking a general strike by cutting back on government spending & they dont trust the Soviets anymore than we do. Part of afternoon spent briefing for Press Conf. Tomorrow announce citizens task force plan to do what we did in Calif. J. Peter Grace has agreed to be chmn. of exec. committee. Charles & Carole Price came by for drinks—they came over with P.M. Martens.

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