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Diary Entry - 02/07/1986

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-07-1986

Key Facts

  • President Reagan greets the 1986 class of the U.S. Senate Youth Program.

  • President Reagan participates in a ceremony to present the President's Award for Distinguished Federal Civilian Service to retired Chief Usher, Rex W. Scouten.

  • Haitian President-for-Life Jean-Claude Duvalier is ousted from power and flees his country, ending 28 years of family rule.

View the President's Schedule
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Spent a few minutes in the Grand Foyer (9 A.M.) with the Hearst Foundation Senate Youth program—2 students as Sens. from each state. A great bunch of young people. The day got better. After our Staff & N.S.C. meeting plus a brief session with India Foreign Minister Bali Ram Bhagi. Our Haitian fugitive is out over the Atlantic. Then I was off to Fairfax county & a most remarkable school—Thomas Jefferson High School of High Technology & Science. An inspiring example of industry pitching in to create a preppie school with a curriculum unlike any high school I’ve ever seen. I came away inspired. A Pvt. Luncheon for Walter Annenberg (& Lee) at the State Dept. About 20 of us all told & a lot of fun. Then back to the Oval O. & a medal to Rex Scouten for 37 yrs. of W.H. service. Some other meetings—Geo. S. Bill Casey—more gifts & it’s party time.

A big B.D. party 1 day late for me in the East Room. It was a wonderful, warm get-together with old friends. Ted Graber had lent his hand to decorating the downstairs with flowers, trees etc. It was beautiful.

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