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Diary Entry - 02/06/1986

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-06-1986

Key Facts

  • The President and First Lady attend the 34th Annual National Prayer Breakfast.

  • The President and First Lady participate in a photo opportunity with members of the delegation of Christian Democrats.

View the President's Schedule
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At 7:30 on our way to the annual Prayer Brkfst.—about 3,000 in attendance. Billy Graham called me a Pastor to the Nation. I must have said something effective—Nancy was teary when I sat down.

Back at the W.H. for short meeting with French Ambas. de Margerie. Then it was signings with press coverage of Legislative message & Ec. report. Then on to Constitution Hall to make annual address to the Exec. Forum. I’ve never seen them as warm & enthusiastic. A big surprise when I finished—Nancy & Maureen to my complete surprise wheeled a giant cake out on the stage.

After a lunch with the V.P. and some present opening Dick Wirthlin came by with latest polling re the State of the Union. All in all pretty good.

Then it was personnel time followed by Roy Brewer, then Edmund Morris for some biography back ground & finally upstairs laden with homework & gifts. After dinner a lot of gift opening. I don't want to seem ungrateful—the gifts were beautiful but I feel guilty. I wish they’d give money to a good cause in my name.

One of our unpublic plans is underway. Sometime after midnight a mil. plane will of ours will spirit Baby Doc Duvalier & his coterie of family & friends out of Haiti & on to France. We have another deal underway to get Sahkarov out of the Soviet U. but the date on that one is Feb. 11.

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