Diary Entry - 02/05/1986

Key Facts
President Reagan addresses 250 selected employees of the Department of the Treasury outlining future policy objectives.
President Reagan attends a Domestic Policy Council meeting.
A busy day. Short meeting with Don R. then the presentation & signing of the Budget books for each of the Cong. leaders—both parties. This was followed by a Cong Repub. leadership meeting for a briefing on the budget & presentation of print copies to each. It was a good meeting & my pitch that we had to stick together or we’d be hung out to dry was well received. Last nights speech must have been better than I thought it was. The pub. reaction is 95% favorable & we’re getting 3 x the response we’ve had previously. Many of the Cong. Ldrs. went out of their way to praise it.
A short but pleasant meeting with Johannes Rau—leader of the W. German Social Democratic party. If Kohl falls in favor Rau will be Chancellor. He would continue the close alliance we have. After some desk work & lunch I went over to Treasury & addressed about 250 employees. From there it was to H.H.S. (my 1st visit there) and spoke to about 800. I was surprised at the warmth of my reception. While at H.H.S. we had a meeting of the Domestic council on the need to study how we can reorganize our welfare & social programs so they can succeed in making people independent of welfare. Back at the Oval office I had a few hours of desk work & phone calls—then upstairs.