Diary Entry - 02/03/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a C.I.A. covert activities briefing.
President Reagan meets with Chancellor Kreisky of Austria and introduces to him the new Ambassador to Austria.
Left W.H. at 7:25 A.M. for Nat. Prayer Bkfst. As always it was a warm, heartening experience. Campbell College N.C. choir sang. Gen. Vessey gave a fine talk. Back to oval office for an N.S.C. briefing on C.I.A. Covert activities. We’ve made great progress in reestablishing the C.I.A.’s effectiveness under Bill Casey. Chancellor Kreisky of Austria arrived (he is not a well man). We had a good meeting & lunch in the State Dining Room. He met Helene V.D. who will be Ambassador to Austria by next summer. He seems very happy with our choice. Dropped in on Dick Schweikers farewell party—Roosevelt Rm.