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Diary Entry - 02/02/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-02-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with Jewish Leaders, who are divided over the Israel - Lebanon situation.

  • President Reagan meets with 6 Afghan freedom fighters, who have come to the United States to speak of Soviet atrocities.

  • The 1984 U.S. presidential campaign gets under way, as California Senator Alan Cranston (D) becomes the first candidate to formally announce his bid.

View the President's Schedule
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Met with Jewish leaders in St. Dining Room—anniversary of day Adolf Hitler took power. Left McFarlane & Fairbanks to have discussion. Am. Jewry is divided over the Israel-Lebanon situation. Cabinet meeting—settled issue of Fed. Charity campaign. We are going to limit it to charitable groups. The fund drive had begun to take on a lot of advocacy groups & many people resented it. Fine report from the D.O.A. which refutes entirely charges that we are reducing nutrition charges etc. Finally had a visit with 6 Afghan freedom fighters here in this country to tell of inhumanity of the Soviets. One’s wife had been executed while her 2 children watched. One was a young, pretty & tiny lady—held in custody for 4 months—tortured daily. She had been a medical student. Her Crime? Caught looking at a “freedom” leaflet. The others were from a village where the Russians had burned 105 people alive with gasoline & chemicals in an irrigation tunnel. Jack Hume came by with a plan for getting our story to the people. Looks like a good idea. Tonite 6:30 another Stag dinner, Laxalt, Rostenkowski, Cheny, R. Long, Scoop Jackson & Pickle. Good time had by all & some Brownie points chalked up.

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