Diary Entry - 02/02/1983

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Jewish Leaders, who are divided over the Israel - Lebanon situation.
President Reagan meets with 6 Afghan freedom fighters, who have come to the United States to speak of Soviet atrocities.
The 1984 U.S. presidential campaign gets under way, as California Senator Alan Cranston (D) becomes the first candidate to formally announce his bid.
Met with Jewish leaders in St. Dining Room—anniversary of day Adolf Hitler took power. Left McFarlane & Fairbanks to have discussion. Am. Jewry is divided over the Israel-Lebanon situation. Cabinet meeting—settled issue of Fed. Charity campaign. We are going to limit it to charitable groups. The fund drive had begun to take on a lot of advocacy groups & many people resented it. Fine report from the D.O.A. which refutes entirely charges that we are reducing nutrition charges etc. Finally had a visit with 6 Afghan freedom fighters here in this country to tell of inhumanity of the Soviets. One’s wife had been executed while her 2 children watched. One was a young, pretty & tiny lady—held in custody for 4 months—tortured daily. She had been a medical student. Her Crime? Caught looking at a “freedom” leaflet. The others were from a village where the Russians had burned 105 people alive with gasoline & chemicals in an irrigation tunnel. Jack Hume came by with a plan for getting our story to the people. Looks like a good idea. Tonite 6:30 another Stag dinner, Laxalt, Rostenkowski, Cheny, R. Long, Scoop Jackson & Pickle. Good time had by all & some Brownie points chalked up.