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Diary Entry - 02/01/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-01-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan travels to St. Louis, Missouri and visits a Chrysler plant.

  • President Reagan addresses the St. Louis Region Small Business Men's Association luncheon.

  • A month of violent clashes begin in the northeastern Indian state of Assam, resulting in over 1,500 deaths.

View the President's Schedule
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To St. Louis—visited Chrysler plant where they are taking back 3000 more workers. Lee Iococca & Gov. Kit Bond with me. Then address to St. Louis Region Small Business Mens Assn. luncheon (4000 people). Did Q&A. It was a great day & people couldn’t have been more friendly. Back to W.H. but at 10 P.M. had to go over to O.A.S. bldg. & speak to “Eagles.”

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