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Diary Entry - 02/04/1983

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 02-04-1983

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with High School honor Students from all over the country.

  • President Reagan attends a briefing with Special Envoy to the Middle East, Phil Habib, who is on his way back to Israel for the peace talks.

  • President Reagan considers separating the US from Israel over problems in the peace negotiations.

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Met with High School Honor students from all over the country who are winners in a competition sponsored by Hearst press. Did Q&A. I hated to leave. They had chosen unanimously 97 of them to have a girl present me with a group photo autographed by all of them. The girl was on crutches—has only one leg. Found out later it was a recent operation—bone cancer, she is probably terminal. She insisted on making the trip.—Final 2 hr. briefing—Phil Habib is on his way back to Israel. I asked him to let me know if a phone plea to Begin would help. If not we’ll just have to separate ourselves from Israel.—Off to Camp David.

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