Diary Entry - 01/30/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan receives the official resignation of Director of the Central Intelligence Agency William Casey.
President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz to discuss the hostage situation in Beirut, Lebanon.
Colin Powell—briefed for N.S.C. Chancellor Kohl is faced with big problem & it’s ours too. If they refuse to turn Hamedi over to us for trial the kidnapers of 2 German businessmen can demand a trade or their death. If he says yes to our extradition request the fate of not only the 2 Germans but our hostages as well could be death.
This morning I rcvd. Bill Caseys resignation—also word that Ed Bennett Williams cant take the job. Surgery revealed cancer of the liver—quite extensive. I have appointed Bills deputy—now acting Dir. as Dir. in Bills place.
Went over to E.O.B. and faced a couple hundred people all supportive of our budget efforts. I explained I was there to veto the $18 Bil. water bill and I did so to enthusiastic applause.
A send off to Larry Speakes (his last day). I awarded him the Presidential Citizens Medal.
Upstairs for lunch—alone—made a pot full of phone calls to Judge nominees & 2 Ambassadors.
Back to the office for meeting with George Shultz. Main topic was Mrs. Sutherland—we think we should explore what might be another road to hostage rescue etc.
Then a meeting with Edmund Morris to answer questions re the book he’s doing. This time he was asking about Hollywood days. A brief session with Peter Wallison & Dave Abshire—more probing of what I remember about the Iran deal.