Diary Entry - 01/29/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan attends a Domestic Council meeting to discuss funding for a large scale scientific research project.
President Reagan receives word that the hospitalized Director of the Central Intelligence Agency William Casey has tendered his resignation.
Back to a 9 A.M. start. Colin Powell handled N.S.C. briefing, Frank C. is on a visit to Central America. At 10 A.M. met with Bipartisan leadership of Cong. We reported to them more fully on specifics of programs I’d proposed in the St. of U. Address. Then Jim Wright sounded off on his usual pitch that we were the big spenders & they were trying to balance the budget. I blew my top and heaped some honest figures on him & Bob Byrd who somewhat came to his rescue. My figures are correct & they had no real answer. I’ve learned that our Repub. leadership were on cloud 9 they were so pleased with my response. I’ll admit I felt good.
Upstairs for lunch with Nancy & Ted & back down at 2 P.M. for a Domestic Council Meeting on the latest thing in high tech. The “Collider.” That isn’t it’s full name but it is the successor to the Accelerator where atoms are split. The present one in Ill. is a tunnel in a 12 mile circle. This new idea calls for a 52 mile circle with results 1000 times greater. We had a briefing & my answer is going to be “go” even though it adds to our budget. I think we can get some help from our trading partners who’d like to share in it. A short meeting with George Bush to replace our usual Thurs. lunch.
Don R. went to the hospital with Ed M. to see Bill Casey. Bill told them he wanted to resign from C.I.A. Don told him (to his obvious joy) that when he was ready to come back he’d be my counselor—the job Ed M. had before he became Attorney General.
A late afternoon meeting with Mrs. Sutherland, George S. & Colin Powell in the W.H. She is wife of one of the hostages. She has been in touch in Lebanon with the Islamic spiritual leader of Lebanon. There is a possible channel leading to the release of the hostages. Geo. is following up with her on how to get this in action. End of day.