Diary Entry - 01/21/1987

Key Facts
President Reagan meets with Assistant for National Security Affairs Frank Carlucci to discuss the Soviet Union and disarmament.
President Reagan meets with Secretary of State George Shultz to discuss arms reductions.
Mermie & Dennis are here. I’m still going in at 10 A.M.—Dr’s. orders. First meeting with Don R. I told him I’d like to insert in the St. of the Union a few lines rebutting the doom criers and referring to a “commentary on T.V.” Actually the commentary was last night & it was John Chancellor NBC. He described Am. as way back in the doldrums, no spirit, materialistic etc. Here we are 50 months of recovery—lowest inflation in a quarter of a century—1.1%, lowest unemployment etc. etc.
Frank C. & Gen. Powell had some things to say about the Soviets & disarmament and a few suggestions for my meetings with Cap W. & Geo. S. Cap came in at 11 A.M. We discussed S.D.I. He agreed we should pin our scientists down on progress. Some times they get a little over optimistic. [. . .]
After lunch—back to office for some desk work—then a meeting with Geo. Shultz. He brought word—Soviets are suggesting a foreign ministers meeting in Moscow in Feb. & then—based on it’s success—a summit here in the Spring. We also discussed an arms control strategy to try on them based mainly on getting a 50% reduction in I.C.B.M.s—period. Then we’d negotiate follow up plans.
David Abshire came by—he’s really clearing away a lot of confusion on the Iran mess & turning some Cong.men around who just plain didn’t understand the situation. Upstairs & deskwork.