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Diary Entry - 01/20/1987

Key Facts

  • President Reagan discusses the possible appointment of Ed Bennet Williams to replace William Casey as Director of the Central Intelligence Agency.

  • President Reagan meets with Assistant for National Security Affairs Frank Carlucci to discuss Central America and the Strategic Defense Initiative.

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Into the office at 10 A.M.—Met with V.P. & Don R. We are considering Ed Bennet Williams for Dir. of C.I.A. He’d like to do it & will give us an answer soon. His problems are 2—Cancer & financial. As to Cancer it hinges on a possible upcoming surgery. I hope he can, he’d be a great choice.

Frank C. & Gen. Powell came in for their meeting. Frank wants to make a trip to Central Am. which is O.K. with me. We discussed upcoming problem re the future of S.D.I. Cap wants to go beyond the A.B.M. treaty restraints. Apparently our progress has updated our anticipated attainment of deployment. Geo. S. is adamantly opposed. I’ll be hearing from each of them tomorrow. Topped off the morning with a phone call to Pres. Febres-Cordero of Ecuador congratulating him on his release from the kidnapers who had held him for about 10 hours.

Upstairs for lunch then back down to the Cabinet Room for an issues meeting—not a lunch this time. I’ve suggested we study the idea of putting a commission together—House name 3, Sen. 3—President 5—to study a new plan for budgeting. This is what we did for Soc. Security reform & it sailed through Cong. being from a bipartisan commission.

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