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Diary Entry - 01/20/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan addresses Suitland High School and discusses improvements in education.

  • President Reagan participates in a briefing regarding Nicaraguan resistance.

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A dreary foggy & rainy day. First meeting—V.P. present talked about budget appeal—dept. of transportation. I opted for reducing Rapid Transit money & using it for air safety etc. The Budget summit we agreed to includes a 12 man commission—Nat. Ec. Commission 14 members to take broad view of economy. I disapprove.

Sen. Committee will vote out of committee—Tony Kennedy (Sup. Ct.) Jan. 27.

Suggestion has been made that I mention fund for child who has had 4 transplants—family faced with $1 mil. costs. I’ll do it in my Sat. radio cast—also I sent a check.

N.S.C.—Japan fudging on International Whale protection agreement. If continues we can deny them fishing rights in our waters. False story in the N.Y. Times that we’re changing trade policy toward Soviet U.

Sam Nunn made a speech proposing a limited ground based A.B.M. defense against possible accidental launch of a missile. Team that visited Soviet Test Site for nuclear tests. Seem very optimistic. Soviets are due here—same purpose shortly.

Scheduled an N.S.P.G. meeting Fri. for plans on supporting Freedom Fighters in Nicaragua.

Then a farewell photo and a meeting with Marlin & Griscom on Q’s. I might get from students I’m addressing at Suitland H.S. Over to Suitland (Prince George Co. Md.). This school has become a nationwide success—was a disaster til new Principal (Harriston) appointed few years ago. They had a forum presentation including Bill Bennett (Sec. of Ed.). Then I spoke & took Q’s. It was really a high spot—the kids were great.

Back to a 1 P.M. lunch with V.P. Then a meeting with Sec. Shultz. He reported mainly on middle east & Israel. Then over to East Room to address supporters on Central America & help to the Freedom Fighters. A little desk work & upstairs early.

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