Diary Entry - 01/19/1988

Key Facts
President Reagan visits Constitution Hall and meets with 3,000 executive appointees.
President Reagan awards Mrs. W. Vincent (Brooke) Astor with a Citizen's Medal.
Things getting back to normal. Some talk about our appointment in N.Y. of a regional director in housing. Sam Pierce Sec. of Housing & Urban development & whose province this is has a candidate but Sen. Al D’Amato has another candidate. Frankly I want to go with Sam, Al hasn’t been that supportive.
N.S.C.—Report on Haiti election which is a scandal. Then the Philippine election—no definite result yet. In Central Am. the Presidents in the weekend meeting did a good job of holding firm in face of Ortegas finagling. Still our own Cong. delegation down there Dodd, Bonin, Cochran etc. made their usual pitch on behalf of the Sandinistas. Noriega the bad boy of Panama—is still at it business as usual.
Later in the morning I went to Const. Hall for annual get together with exec. appointees—3,000 of them. They were great and enthusiastic. Cabinet & Army band were on stage with me. Then 22 girls ages 6 to 14 sang patriotic songs & really put on a great show. Back to W.H. for lunch.
Then a meeting on Dept. of Transportation budget appeal. Quite a hassle—I’ll make a final decision tomorrow but it wont be easy.
Photo with March of Dimes poster child—Beverly Sills chairman this year. A photo with 2 Japanese Journalists to accompany a written interview with them. An N.S.P.G. meeting on P. Gulf. We’re doing great there & not about to retreat.
Then at end of afternoon a reception in W.H. & I gave “Citizens Medal” to Brook Astor for all the great charitable & social services she has done & is doing. A very pleasant time. Upstairs—a practice dinner for coming State Dinner—end of day. Maureen with us.