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Diary Entry - 01/21/1988

Key Facts

  • President Reagan meets with representatives of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions (ICFTU).

  • President and Mrs. Reagan host a reception for members of the Republican National Committee (RNC).

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Began the day talking about St. of U. address. We’re trying to boil it down a little but putting in a declaration that I get a budget. If I get another Continuing Resolution—I veto it & serve notice on this in the St. of U. We’re going to set dates aside that Cabinet members & Sr. Staff can bring guests & run movies in the W.H. theatre. We’re also asking Bob Gray to put together small stag dinners with business leaders etc. at W.H.

A. B. Culvahouse informed us we needed to have me photographed signing answers to interrogatory of special prosecutor—notarized—later in day. It was done in afternoon.

N.S.C.—Sen. Helms is building up a straw man that I.N.F. destroys missiles not warheads. It is a straw man.

Lord Carrington (U.K.) reports all N.A.T.O. partners are enthused about a N.A.T.O. summit in March. Then brief on Genschler—W. German Vice Chancellor is due in at 9:45 A.M. He arrived & we had a 30 min. meeting. It was a good meeting.

At 10:30 A.M.—a meeting with John Tower. He’s going to help us on getting I.N.F. ratified. At 11:30 I met with representatives of the International Confederation of Free Trade Unions. My 1st time to meet this group representing organized labor in 20 or 30 different countries.

Lunch with Bill Buckley—a very pleasant 1 1⁄2 hour visit. I tried to ease some concerns he has over I.N.F.

Then a photo session with Office of Admin. & Senior Staff Chiefs. Personnel time with Bob Tuttle.

Admin. time: Mayor Richard Berkeley—new Pres. of Conf. of Mayors. Photo with Board of Nat. Fish & Wildlife Foundation. Over to the East Room to address Reception for Repub. Nat. Committee. Upstairs—end of day. Mermie having dinner out.

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