Diary Entry - 01/18/1989

Key Facts
President Reagan presents 33 Presidential Citizens Medals.
President Reagan attends a White House Staff Farewell Party.
The U.S. Supreme Court upholds a year-old sentencing system for people convicted of federal crimes.
Another 10 A.M. day.
Some talk about the proposal for an exec. order re Fetus Tissue use from Aborted babies.
Last night Bill Plante reported in CBS poll my approval rating was 68% & 75% on P.L.O. decision.
N.S.C.—I’m to check on Contingency guidance for Defense. I’m to check on it. It was a proposal in Packard Commission Report. I’ve said yes. [. . .] Soviets are continuing to allow divided familys to rejoin—20 now.
Again decision called for on Krasnoyarsk radar. We view it as a serious breach of A.B.M. treaty. We do not have time to change that to a “Material Breach.”
At 10:30—a presentation to Sen’s. Dole, & Strom Thurmond & Cong. Bob Michel of Presidential Citizens Medal Ceremony.
Prebrief for press interview—their interview by 7 of the visiting press—one Q. each. Lunch—but after a photo of W.H. Staff to whom (25) I gave gifts.
At 12:50—photos with 8 Uniform division officers. Then over to Blue Rm. to award 33 Presidential Citizens Medals. A meeting with Sec. Shultz—kind of a review of his 84 foreign trips to meetings with 74 heads of state. Then at 2 P.M. into the Rose Garden to receive the Nat. Football champs—Notre Dame. They presented me—the letter sweater of George Gipp.
After that single photos with about 87 members of V.P.’s staff. A haircut—my last in the W.H. Then Ron’s agent & his fiancé came in for a photo. Then over to East Room where some 700 members of W.H. staff were gathered for a goodbye. Presents to Nancy & me & a dog house made like the W.H. for Rex. The Marine Band played Auld Lang Syne. Lots of tears. Upstairs—packing & desk work. Dinner with Merme & Dennis.