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Diary Entry - 01/19/1989

Ronald Reagan's white house diaries for the day of 01-19-1989

Key Facts

  • President and Mrs. Reagan attend a Medal of Freedom lunch and present awards to Ambassador Mike Mansfield and Secretary George Shultz.

  • President Reagan and President-elect Bush say goodbye to Reagan White House Staff.

  • President Reagan pardons George Steinbrenner for illegal funds for Nixon.

View the President's Schedule
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9 A.M. Started day with photos—2 Marine W. Wing W.H. Guards. Then our usual meeting—some late schedule changes. Then into the Oval O. came a horse—the kind you see in vaudeville—2 human beings one the front & one the rear end. Dan Crippen was in front & Fran Marie Kennedy Keel brought up the rear. The horse was wearing the bridle etc. that was given to me yesterday. Some discussion of tomorrows schedule then it was N.S.C. time.

Colin reported on S. Africas Pres. Botha having a stroke. No details on prognosis on his future.

Geo. S. is considering reducing embassy personnel down in Kabul down to 11. If trouble threatens the plan is to move our people into the British embassy. Kuwait is going to take the American flags off 6 of it’s 11 tankers & leave them on 5 but the 5 will also go as American vessels with American crews.

Soviets propose reducing it’s nuclear tactical battlefield weapons. This may be a ploy to win approval of German people who are aware their country would be the battlefield for an exchange of such weapons.

Vernon Walters came into the office to receive the medal he was to get yesterday but couldn’t be there. Then a pre-brief for the 11:30 interview with Wire Service Reporters—It went O.K. I guess. Then over to W.H. to get Nancy for the East Room Medal of Freedom lunch. It was awarded to Ambas. Mike Mansfield & George Shultz. A nice affair.

[. . .] Then photos with the N.S.C. staff about 100 people. Then it was the White House Switchboard operators followed by the travel office.

Dick Thornburg came in to see me about pardons. He doesn’t believe I should pardon Patty Hearst, North, Poindexter or McFarlane. I’m afraid he’s right. Nick Brady came by to say goodbye & thank me. Same with Alan Greenspan. Then it was the V.P.’s turn. All of my W.H. staff was gathered in the Roosevelt room for him to thank & say a goodbye. I went in with him. He said very nice things about me.

Then over to the Dr’s. office—upstairs to shower. John H. came up & put a new bandage on my hand. Then it was final packing time. Dinner with Ted. Merme & Dennis went out to attend one of the Inaugural Gala’s. And after signing a whole stack of pictures & letters brought by Jim Kuhn to bed.

Tomorrow I stop being President.

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