Diary Entry - 01/17/1989

Key Facts
President Reagan interviews by Tom Brokaw for NBC News.
President and Mrs. Reagan attend the unveiling of their official White House Portraits.
Five children are shot to death at Cleveland Elementary School in Stockton, California by a drifter who then kills himself.
A 10 A.M. start—in the study. NBC setting up in Oval O. for a T.V. interview with Tom Brokaw.
We talked in the first meeting about the bureaucrats in Justice dept. who gave a report on Ed Meese that had him some kind of a Monster. They gave their report to the Wash. Press. Ed has already been cleared. Even the Special Prosecutor refused to indict him.
We’re after H.H.S. to quit stalling on a directive regarding use of Fetal tissue on experiments etc.
3 of Bushes appointees will be examined by Congressional Committee.
Colin has reported that our continued sanctions re oil industry in Libya is now hurting American businesses to the benefit of Quadafy.
Project Hope is engaged in a big program of aid to the Armenian children who are victims of earth quake.
There is some objection by Norths lawyer against Quashing subpoenas for Geo. B. & me.
N.S.C.—Colin late—John Negroponte opened meeting. Colin was at a farewell ceremony by Joint Chiefs.
March 6 is date for resumption of Geneva talks & March 9 it is agreed will be meeting on conventional weapons.
Shevardnadze is in Kabul. There are great shortages there—oil only a 1 days supply. State dept. is urging us to bring our embassy people home. Some European countries have already done that.
Talks between Chinese & Vietnamese are going on in Beijing re Cambodia.
Then time for interview briefing. Tom says he wants to stick to personal things about my life beginning back in Dixon Ill.
The interview proceeded & everyone thinks it went very well. Lunch—then back in the Oval O. Rcvd. Timmy Awards for Nancy & myself from officials of The Wash. Touchdown Club.
Long stretch of desk time—a jillion pic’s. & letters to sign.
Then another parade of people from a variety of depts. for individual photos.—Got word Pres. Seaga setting date for Jamaica election Feb. 9. Dick Wirthlin came in with final figures. Approval rating of 63%—highest for any Pres. in this spot. Rating for handling the Soviets 81%.
Then over to Dr’s. office. Stitches were removed from my hand. Upstairs to clean up. Dinner tonite—here 42 of us for unveiling of official portrait. It was another great evening. Old friends, Nancys brother & his family & after dinner the unveiling of our portraits. There seems to be a feeling mine could be better. Even the Artist, Shikler feels that way & is going to make some changes.